Senderos a Pie - Guía de Senderos de pequeño recorrido por la Provincia de AlicanteSenderos a Pie - Guía de Senderos de pequeño recorrido por la Provincia de Alicante
Español Valencià Ingles

  How to use this guidebook
This guidebook consists of three parts. The first part, as a way of presentation and introduction of the world of trails, their philosophy, and stating which are the reasons that have led us to edit them.

The second part itemises a series of useful pieces of advice for a safe and respectful hiking practice in sensitive environments, which demands special attention.

The third party is devoted to the inner description of the trails which are provided in detail next. Let us remind everybody the merely guiding approach of the guidebook before getting started.

Every trail consists of :
a) An information chart which provides details of the region where the trail is, the towns and villages it extends about and the body responsible for it.


Region: L’Alacantí.
Municipality: Busot.
Responsible body: Colla Muntanyenca de Busot.
Start: Pla del Cabeçò (Cross to the right before reaching the Canalobre Caves).
Finish: Same place or at the end of the roads leading to the caves.
Length: 12.6 kilometres.
Approximate Time: 4 hours.
Difficulty: Medium.
Cartography: Villajoyosa 29-33 (847) 1:50.000.
Bibliography: Topoguía PRV-2. CAM and Colla Muntanyenca de Busot.

This chart also shows the start and finish points, the number of kilometres of the trail and the estimated time to do it, the cartography and the bibliography.

b) A catalogue of services where more information relating to the trail can be accessed.


Busot City Council: Tel. No.: 965 69 90 92
Consulting office: Tel. No.: 965 69 94 87
Colla Muntanyenca de Busot: Tel. No.: 965 69 93 68
Mountain and Climbing Sports Federation (Federació d’Esports de Muntanya i Escalada): Tel. No.: 965 43 97 47

c) Description of the relief of the trail.


Located in the region of l’Alacantí, the mountain range spreads over the municipal areas of Busot, Aigües, Relleu, la Torre de les Maçanes and Xixona. It is oriented north-south and it yields cavity formations due to karstic processes of limestone, like for example, the Coves del Canelobre.

d) Chart showing the itinerary of the trail.

We can find the following information in the said chart:
- The highest and lowest spot height reached. (1 and 2).
- The most relevant points of the trail and their height. (3).
- The number of kilometres to cover. (4).
- An icon showing the difficulty the trail is classified into. (5).
- Moreover, the accumulated drop along the entire covered distance.

e) Short itinerary stating the various points of the trail.


The trail starts some 3 km away from Busot, following the Jijona road in the direction of the Canelobre Caves (Cuevas/Coves del Canelobre). Before reaching them, we will find an area called Pla del Cabeçó (indicated with a signpost).

The trail starts here, with its first part in a zigzag pattern as far as Casa del Polzet. The trail is very well defined, as many excursionists walk along it all through the year, and its signposting is quite good. From Casa del Polzet, if we wish to climb to the summit, we will take the track on the right. This goes across small stone quarries and going under small walls as far as a small hill on the somital ridge. A very easy climb will be enough to reach this hill. From the hill and following the water marks first and then, hiking a little in the interior, we will reach the Cabeçó d’Or summit. To keep on with the itinerary, we will come back to Casa del Polzet, going along the path on the right (as we go down). This part of the trail, always downwards, will take us to Racó de Sevas, crossing the large watercourse of Mount Cabeçó. From el Racó and now on a dirt track (a little bit on the way up) we will go under one of the escalation walls of the mountain range and past the Casa del Suizo. Without quitting the dirt track we will reach the asphalted road that goes up to the Coves del Canelobre. We can finish the hike going down the road as far as el Pla, but the original itinerary goes up along the road to the caves, and at the end of it, it gets back onto a path. The latter is gentle at the beginning, but it becomes hard to follow, as far as the farmlands and again, back to the entrance track to the trail.